Dr. Warren Farrell — The Boy Crisis
Advocating For People Who Are Often Ignored
I’m an advocate for shared parenting. This has led me to work with a great organization called National Parents Organization. We’ve been working on changing the domestic relations law in New York State.
This part of my life is a passion that may never fade away. Well, it might disappear if fathers are treated equally in family courts across the nation. Until then, I’ll be doing what needs to be done to change matrimonial law in as many states as possible. I’m keeping my focus on New York State at the moment. It isn’t easy, and work still has to be done. Fortunately, there has been progress.
My experience in the family court system changed me and made me a much stronger man. The several attempts by my ex over the past 13 years to sever the incredible bond I share with our children has only made me more determined to continue the work I started.
It all began with my frequent trips to New York Family Court back in 2007.
The abuse of the family court system I’ve seen and read about over the past 13 years is just awful. I’ve experienced it first hand. It’s horrible. It is not good when you are wrongly accused of things you know are not accurate and have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to clear your name.
Over the years, I have become a better father due to my time spent being harassed in that hell-hole. It has only increased my dedication to our children’s mental, physical, and emotional well-being.
After I walked out of court a free man on July 9th, 2008, at 2:31 PM, I began to reflect on my journey. I asked why it was so difficult for me just to share our kids equally. Why was there an expectation that I was to pay child support and not my ex? Why was I treated like a deadbeat dad by all of the rabid man-haters in family court?
I spent many years researching fatherhood, feminism, marxism, social movements, child support, male/female courtship, marriage traditions all over the world, and how the family court system began. During this time, I discovered Dr. Warren Farrell. I’ve been following the man ever since I read his book “The Myth Of Male Power.” I highly recommend everyone read it.
Dr. Farrell has been outspoken since the ’70s, and I’m happy to see him continuing his work advocating on behalf of boys and men. It disturbs me when I see certain groups who feel fathers should be denied access to their children just because they are fathers. These same organizations scream about “equality” yet are hell-bent on tipping the scales in their favor, especially when it comes to matters of matrimonial law.
My views on many things changed utterly when THIS EVENT HAPPENED.
Read the rest HERE: https://claytoncraddock.substack.com/p/dr-warren-farrell-the-boy-crisis